Thursday, January 8, 2009

Look Who's Six!

Piglet turned six last Thursday, on January 1. He's very excited to be six years old. He's pretty sure that he's gotten taller because six is so old.

We had a fun birthday. Grammy (Chris's mom) and her younger children came over to celebrate with us. I stayed at home with baby Roo while the rest of them went to the bowling alley. (Roo would have been difficult to tend to a bowling alley because he always wants to do what his brothers are doing, but he obviously can't bowl.) Piglet was very excited when he came home because he beat Tigger and Chris's youngest brother.

When he got home, we had birthday cake and opened presents. We had a yummy, gooey chocolate cake that looked like dirt, served in a dump truck. He got a lot of presents that he has enjoyed, but his favorite was a set of race cars that Grammy got for him. He's had a blast racing them across the kitchen and teaching Roo how to play with him.

Chris and I are very proud of Piglet. He's growing into a wonderful young man. He shows a lot of attention to his school work, and he is very concerned with taking care of his younger brothers and helping them to be happy. He thinks a lot about the man he will be when he grows up, and I think that he is on the path to develop into a God-fearing young man.

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
II Peter 3:18